Moran Theatre Seating Chart

moran theater seating chart

The Moran Theater is the Times Union Center for the Performing Arts’ main performance venue, and was designed with dramatic and musical theatre performances in mind. The theater boasts a seating capacity of 3,000 with seats spread across 2 Orchestral Floors, with a Balcony Level and several Loges.

Wheelchair accessible seats are available in all price levels – one companion ticket is available for purchase with each wheelchair accessible ticket. Please indicate when buying tickets that you require accessible seating prior to your purchase.

Patrons are asked to remain in their pre-reserved seats, as changing seats on the day will cause confusion and disruption amongst other members of the audience. Seat numbers are clearly labelled – if you have any trouble finding your seat, please ask a member of staff for assistance. Once seated, please remain sitting until an interval or until the performance ends. If you do have to leave for any reason, please do so as quietly and unobtrusively as possible.