Nurse Blake at Moran Theatre

Jacksonville Center for the Performing Arts, Jacksonville, Florida



Maybe you have a Pinterest addiction, or a drink a little too much, or make a habit of being very irrationally mean when you’re hungry. A therapist might want to get to the root of that problem, and figure out a way to get you to quit. A comedian is a friend though, they will encourage your habit and tell you their stories of the same struggle. It might not be the best way of dealing with your problems but it sure does make you feel better about whatever is going on.

Nurse Blake at Moran Theater at Times Union Center

What better reason do you need? The stunning Moran Theater at Times Union Center in Albany will be hosting some truly hilarious comedy shows really soon! We are super keen and have been squirrelling away tickets to some of the best stand up comedians around. The acts that appear on this iconic stage really are great. Go and grab some tickets and have a really good belly laugh!

Nurse Blake at Moran Theater at Times Union Center



Nurse Blake

Jacksonville Center for the Performing Arts

About the Venue

jacksonville center for the performing arts

Jacksonville Center for the Performing Arts

300 Water Street, Jacksonville, Florida, 32202, United States